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Home Solar Power Generators: How Do They Work?

The two types of solar panels are the one that makes electricity and the one that generates heat. You must know exactly your needs because you can’t interchange them. These two kinds can save you money and at the same time help you live a greener lifestyle.

Solar thermal collectors use the energy of the sun to heat fluids like water and oil. They use plastic tubing, coils and hoses in the panel. The liquid flow through the coils and is warmed by the sun. These panel types are perfect for swimming pools, spas, tubs and hot water for home and businesses. Also, by using baseboard heating units and hot water flooring systems, it can enable you to heat interiors. In this manner, an additional heating fuel is not required. However, the system needs motorized pump to disseminate fluids.

Solar photovoltaic cells produce DC (direct current) electricity. A semi-conductor material is used in the panel that acts together with the sunlight to create electricity. This can be used to power up your computers and other appliances or even the whole of your house. The electricity generates only during day time when exposed to sunlight.

If you want to use the system at night or during cloudy days, it is better to store the electricity in a battery storage system. Lead-acid batteries are not expensive to use, but you need to fill them with distilled water to maintain their charge. There are also batteries that are expensive and need not require maintenance to retain the charge. There are also batteries that are suitable for cold climates. It is because of its freeze resistance. There are more generators exist, small portable generators, for example.

Glass panels are used to both thermal collector and the photovoltaic systems. They both require access to direct sunlight. Ideally, panels should be placed facing south and exposed to sunlight the whole day. It can be used anywhere provided that they have access to sunlight. However, this is inefficient to a place where people experience cloudy days most of the time.

Backup generator is needed even in sunny places. In order to maintain your green lifestyle, you need to fuel them with bio diesel. Generators can be used if battery storage fails and cloudy days occur.

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